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3 days in Istanbul part 3

今天我们将继续游玩伊斯坦布尔。Our day 3 in Istanbul(我们在伊斯坦布尔的第三天)Take a trip on the river.(在河上游玩)Today take a ferry from Eminonu to Anadolu Kavagi.(今天从Eminonu乘船去Anadolu Kavagi)Don’t forget your camera.(不要忘记你的相机)You can take spectacular photos.(你可以拍一些精美的照片)There are palaces, old houses, forts along the way.(沿途有宫殿、老房子、和堡垒)Then before the boat returns, be sure to have a leisure lunch.(在船只返程之前,记得吃上一顿休闲的午餐)There are many sea food restaurants close by.(附近有许多海鲜餐馆)If you are feeling energetic then hike up the hill for a fantastic view.(如果你觉得自己还很有能量,你可以去爬山欣赏美丽的风景)现在请回答以下问题: What is the name of the station you should take the boat?(你坐船的站叫什么名字)In what kind of restaurant do they recommend you to have lunch?(他们推荐你中饭去怎样风格的餐厅)If you feel energetic, what should you do?(如果你还很有活力,你应该做什么)If you stay in Istanbul for only three days, what should you do on day 1?(如果你在伊斯坦布尔玩三天,你第一天应该做什么)What should you do in Istanbul on day 2?(在伊斯坦布尔的第二天应该做什么)And what should you do on Day 3?(第三天应该做什么)


