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Celebrations: Valentine's Day, New Year's Eve, Birthday

今天我们将学习如何庆祝三个节日。第一个节日是Valentine’s Day(情人节)。Valentine’s Day is a holiday that couples celebrate for being together.(情人节是情侣们庆祝的节日)It’s usually in February 14th. (通常是在2月14日)In some countries, it’s in another day of the year.(在某些国家,情人节在其他日子)In Brazil, we celebrate Valentine’s Day on June 12th.(在巴西,我们在6月12日庆祝情人节)We don’t celebrate in February, because on February we have carnival.(我们不在2月庆祝情人节,因为2月我们有狂欢节)Usually on Valentine’s Day, we buy each other small gift.(通常在情人节我们会给彼此购买小礼物)Some chocolate, flowers or something small.(一些巧克力、花朵或者其他小物件)What do you give your boyfriend or girlfriend on Valentine’s Day?(你在情人节给你的男朋友或女朋友什么礼物呢)Do you celebrate it?(你会庆祝情人节吗)Usually people also go to a restaurant to have dinner or have something special at home.(通常人们会去餐馆吃饭,或者在家烧一些特别的食物)第二个节日是New Year’s Eve(除夕夜)。New Year’s Eve is the night before the New Year.(除夕夜是新年前的一个晚上)Everywhere in the world, we celebrate New Year’s Eve on December 31st.(世界各地都在12月31日庆祝除夕夜)But in China, you celebrate New Year’s Eve twice.(但是中国会庆祝两次除夕夜)On December 31st and also during Spring Festival.(12月31日一次,春节前还有一次)Which New Year’s Eve is more important for you?(于你而言,哪一个除夕夜更为重要呢)The one in December or the one during the Spring Festival?(12月的还是春节的)New Year’s Eve or Chinese New Year’s Eve?(跨年夜还是春节除夕夜)What do you do in New Year’s Eve?(你在除夕夜会做什么)Do you eat anything special that brings you the good luck?(你会吃一些带给你好运的特别的东西吗)第三个节日是Birthday(生日)。What do you do on birthday?(你生日的时候会做什么)In brazil, usually when you are a kid, you celebrate your birthday with your friends and you eat a lot of sweets.(在巴西,通常当你还是个孩子的时候,你会和你的朋友们一起庆祝生日,你会吃很多糖)And usually you have a birthday cake.(通常你也会有生日蛋糕)You can blow the candle and make a wish.(你可以吹蜡烛许愿)In China, I know you eat noodles on your birthday and you cannot bite the noodles.(在中国,我知道你们在生日的时候吃面条,你们不能咬断面条)You need to swallow it, so you live a long life.(你需要吞下面条,这样你就能长寿)Do you have cake on your birthday?(你生日吃蛋糕吗)What is your favorite cake?(你最喜欢的蛋糕是什么)My favorite is chocolate cake.(我最喜欢巧克力蛋糕)What are you going to do for your birthday next time?(你下一个生日将要做什么)


